Mila rose hair magic

VoyageLA Press Release

Today we’d like to introduce you to Micaella Mosley.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Mila Rose was established in September 2017. I named the company after her daughter Mila Rose. I started handcrafting her shampoos, conditioners, and leave in conditioners in 2015. I started by researching which ingredients were good and which ones were bad for curly hair. I was unaware that there were so many harsh ingredients that are in products. It disgusted me that companies were only interested in making a quick dollar rather than the health of their customers that feed them. I knew these chemicals were not something u wanted to use on my baby who was only months old.

In 2017, I decided to make a brand for individuals who wanted to show their hair tender loving care. I wanted to make sure my brand was plant-based free and free of all the harsh chemicals that are absorbed through our skin. The products I use free of Sulfates, Parabens, PEGs, Dyes, Mineral Oils, and Animal Cruelty. The products can be used on all hair types especially curly hair. My lab is based in Houston, Texas. My brand is not where I want it to be but I am slowly growing. I still get excited when customers tell me that they have been eyeballing my product and are amazing with their results. It makes me happy that my hard work and sacrifice pay off.

Has it been a smooth road?
It has definitely not been a smooth road. I took sometime off last year in November to try a new marketing strategy. The hair industry is big and curly hair products are hot right now. It’s hard trying to compete. Especially when marketing is done through social media outlets. Many influencers want to be paid top dollars and unfortunately, I don’t have it. I seek individuals who believe and love my product as much as I do even if they only have 2,000 followers. However, content is not easy to make so I have to find a different approach to expand my brand.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Mila Rose Haircare – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of and what sets you apart from others.
I pretty much do everything from the running my website, sending emails, doing pop-ups, etc. I am most proud that I am able to do with all while double majoring in my master’s programs and working full time. It’s most enjoyable when my daughter helps me package everything. What sets me apart is that I put everything into my products. Also that I am an organic curly brand. There is not many out there.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
What I like most about La is the culture. Soooo many different cultures. California in general is the most diverse state. What I dislike about it is the hours spent in traffic of course.


  • Our whole set runs for $65.99
  • Our cleansing set for $45.99
  • The shampoo $16.99
  • The conditioner $17.99
  • Curl custard $19.99
  • The 2 in 1 Silkening Leave in Conditioner $$18.99
  • Deep conditioner $24.99

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Instagram: Milarosehaircare
  • Facebook: Milarosehaircare

 Michella Mosely

Organic hair products

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